A young woman, an artist, a musician, who has lived and worked in Iceland where there is a Grmsay, now finds herself in Grimsay, Uist Outer Hebrides. This is part of what she posted on-line as context before she uploaded herself reading the poem The Horses by Edwin Muir.
“There is, practically, very little I can offer the world at this current time. I am not a nurse or doctor, nor do I belong to one of the other groups of people who are providing vital services right now. I am far away from the majority of people I love the most and further separated by woeful internet (hence setting a 4am alarm so I can actually upload this). My normal forms of providing comfort – a big hug, a home-cooked meal – aren’t possible…..
she then went on to say:“So too though is this idea that when the structures and procedures of a modern society fall apart, the traditional ways of being that quietly underpin life become visible again. The community here organises itself. Neighbours check on neighbours. The way it has always been, but perhaps it wasn’t so obvious until now.”
I’m just going to leave this here with this:
If you need any help, i.e. you don’t have anyone to fetch shopping, collect prescriptions for you, you’re feeling lonely etc., please contact Grimsay Community Association and they will do their best to get someone to assist you.
Post Offices have been designated an essential service and will continue to open as long as this can be done safely and with appropriate care for postmasters and their teams. Grimsay Post Office will continue to open to the usual opening hours: 11am – 1.30pm, Tuesday – Friday. We offer a lot more than just stamps and postal services…..’

Theona Morrison
Very involved in sustainability. Chair Locality Planning Group. Finalist Scottish Rural Awards, Education - SQA Crofting & Local Food Production courses. Dir. Art Gallery & Museum, Chair Community Association